
My hometown

The name of my town is hakodate. It's small and boring!
It's on the south coast of Hokkaido in Japan.
The population is 287,691 .
The main industry is Fishery and sightseeing.
My hometown is famous for its night view and squid but The reputation to the squid of the person in the Mainland is not good.
When I return my hometown , My usual life is only done.

2 件のコメント:

ak さんのコメント...


eisensei さんのコメント...

Hi Akira, how are you? You are also from Hakodate. I still can’t understand why you think Hakodate is boring. Is it too small for you? Do you prefer bigger places? What do you like to do for fun anyway in Hakodate?


The name of my town is Hakodate. It's small and boring! It's on the south coast of Hokkaido in Japan. The population is 287,691. The main industry is fishing and sightseeing. My hometown is famous for its night view and squid, but the reputation of the squid on the mainland is not good. When I return to my hometown, I do nothing special.